Troodos Mountains Tour with Kykkos Monastery and Lunch
Excursions & day trips

Troodos Mountains Tour with Kykkos Monastery and Lunch

Based on 18 reviews
Free cancellation
Language: English
Mobile voucher accepted
Duration: more than 8 hours
Why you’ll love this…
  • Explore the valleys of the Troodos Mountains
  • Visit the sacred Kykkos Monastery and admire its icons and frescoes
  • Savour a typical country lunch in family-run restaurant in Pedoulas
  • Enjoy the long views from the hilltop tomb of Archbishop Makarios III
  • Expert local guide with an unrivalled knowledge of Cyprus and its people
What to expect

The journey into the Troodos Mountains is a journey to another Cyprus. Rustic stone villages dot tree-clad valleys where traditional ways of life still hold sway. This tour takes you into the spiritual heart of the highlands, the Kykkos Monastery, as well as up to Throni Hill. Alexia, one of our local guides, says, ‘The icon of the Virgin Mary at Kykkos is considered miraculous, so at least once a year, it's important for Cypriots to visit the church.'

As you go into the depths of the Troodos, you'll encounter luxuriant landscapes which contrast with the arid coast. You'll head to the Kykkos Monastery first. Perched on Mount Kykkos, it's laden with religious treasures, and you won't be able to keep your eyes off the golden icons and frescoes – except for the icon of the Virgin Mary. It's kept under wraps, with the last known viewing being hundreds of years ago. You'll also have free time to wander around the grounds and enjoy the panoramic views of the mountains. What's more, your visit helps the preservation of this important heritage site.

We'll then visit the hilltop tomb of Archbishop Makarios III. Superb views greet you before the drive down to the village of Pedoulas. Here, you'll enjoy a typical Cypriot lunch made from locally sourced ingredients in a family-run restaurant. There's time for an optional walk up to the richly decorated Orthodox church of the Holy Cross, then we'll head back with a coffee stop at Pano Platres en route.

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What's included
  • check Transport
  • check Guide
  • check Admission fees
  • check Lunch
  • check Afternoon coffee break
What to remember
  • Dress appropriately – no shoulders or knees showing – when visiting religious buildings
  • This experience doesn't follow our general cancellation policy. If you need to cancel, you must do so at least 24 hours in advance to receive a full refund
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Booking fee
Good news! No extra fees are applied to this booking.
Cancellation policy
Receive a 100% refund if you cancel up to 1 day before the experience begins.

What people say about this experience



Based on 18 reviews from verified customers


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Value for money




  • Jo

    From United States of America - September 2024

    Travelled as a couple


    Overall rated


    De excursie was goed georganiseerd, alhoewel de 2e koffiestop al een 30 minuten na de lunch is. Groot minpunt was de onverstaanbare gids Julia. Haar ...

  • Marieke

    From United States of America - July 2024

    Travelled as a couple


    25 - 34 years old


    Overall rated


  • Ronald en Marjon

    From United States of America - July 2024

    Travelled as a couple


    35 - 44 years old


    Overall rated


    Alles was goed geregeld, reisleider kon mooi alles vertellen. Vrolijk etc. Eerste stop was koffie of limonade helaas werd er even niet verteld dat je ...

  • Herman van der linden

    From United States of America - November 2023

    Travelled as a couple


    45 - 54 years old


    Overall rated


    Mooie vergezichten - verschil qua bomen als je op een andere berg komt amandelen - druiven- olijven Goed restaurant met keuze genoeg zoals kip sch ...

  • M van Holst

    From Netherlands - October 2023

    Travelled as a couple


    18 - 24 years old


    Overall rated


    Mooie excursie, kykkos klooster echt prachtig om te zien! Helaas, de stops waren te kort. Alles ging heel erg snel. We hadden meer tijd in het klooste ...

  • J.S.

    From United States of America - September 2023

    Travelled as a couple


    35 - 44 years old


    Overall rated


    De gids was erg enthousiast en vertelde veel over van alles en nog wat. Het is alleen erg jammer dat we juist bij het hoogtepunt van de reis heel erg ...

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